Test Training Class for Amateur Radio License 2025

Our club "Tulare County Amateur Radio Club" is offering a FREE Training class to help you get started in Amateur Radio with your Technician Class License.

Our club "Tulare County Amateur Radio Club" is offering FREE Training class to help you get started in Amateur Radio with your Technician Class License. You don’t need to know anything about Electronics or Radio Stuff. This is a down to earth class for those that want their license, but don’t know how to get started. It’s 1 Saturday of apx 5 hours long in the class, and an hour off for lunch. You are asked to read the questions and answers about ½ hour daily. A test is available on the 3rd Thursday before our regular club meeting starting a 6 pm. This is the way to get your License. No age limits! I’ve seen 9 years old get it. No More Code either. What I ask you to do is bring a laptop or notebook that can take a flash drive or CD for the material to read in class and at home. You must have Adobe Reader to open the files. You will also need your Power Adapter to keep your device powered up in class. If all you have is a desktop, I’ll project the material on the wall so you can read it and let you take a CD home with you. If you can bring a spare blank CD / DVD / RWDVD or USB Stick that I can load the info on to it. The CD’s are my only expense for the class.

If there is an interest, I can offer a Class Study for your TECHNINCIAN OR GENERAL Class License exam. It only takes ONE who wants to get there Technician or General, but I need to know. The Location for the classes is to be pre-determined so please contact me at the number below. I will be your Facilitator for this endeavor

The next Class to get your Technician Class License is "TBA". I only do the General Once a Year. We have made arrangements to get a room at the Mormon church 10 am to 4 pm,

The Class Room is being provided by the Mormon Church Located on Lovers lane north of 198, Visalia Calif.

My name is Larry Taylor KF6JBG Please call me and let me know you are coming. RSVP --> (559) 786‐7033 <-- Thank You and Good Luck
@Larry Taylor

To get your FRN # click her for the website

UP-DATE 1/2025
  • Published
    Dec 23, 2020
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